Monday, November 16, 2020

Downtown Kansas City Skyline


Great Salt Lake, Utah

 In the interest of determining the way this blog template works, I need to write a fairly large block of text here. So . . . I took this picture while driving westward through Salt Lake City.  The lake itself, (The Great Salt Lake) is to the west of the city. At some point, the water is visible from the Interstate, and I pulled over and took this picture. I have to say the reality feels pretty much like this picture. Lots of sky, and below that a thin ribbon of terrain below the shimmering optics of the horizon. In the interests of full disclosure, as I recall, this was taken with the little Canon point-and-shoot, or possibly with my cell phone. 

City Market


Just outside the City Market Coffeehouse, and inside, waiting in line. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Chico, California, Residence

 This is the porch of the house with the first floor apartment I 
lived in for awhile when in Chico last year. Taken with a 
Canon SL2 and a wide angle zoom lens set to 10mm.